Henry Ford, it is said, is not a very educated man. One of the journalists want to prove it and had him in front of audience and asked him some difficult general knowledge questions. Henry Ford's response to those questions was "I have no idea". At last Henry Ford could take no more and asked this journalist: "Why do I want to know the answers to those questions for which I can find the answers from a $2 almanac"? "May be I am not the smartest man but I know people who are and I know how to put those people together"! He had got a rousing applause from the audience.
Why do I tell this? As much as we think that we are intelligent and we can work thing out on our own, we are mistaken. Even Edison needed best business minds of his time to be around him to become successful with his discoveries.
Individual intelligence and brilliance is important but what is more important and which pave way for the success is ability to put a team together and work towards a common goal. WHY??? Because collective intelligence will work wonders.
Just consider this: What happens if you had lots of brilliant ideas in your head but you find no one to share those with!! The ideas die in your head and you lose the zeal and get frustrated.
Imagine this: You had a goal and you know a lot of people who had similar goals. You call for a meeting and ask them to come up with ideas and write them up in a paper. You all sit in a silent room and go crazy with writing up different ideas about what you could do to achieve that goal. Believe you will have in your possession all the brilliant ideas, which would otherwise should have died in one's mind. You discuss them, doctor them, consider pros and cons, engineer them and at last action them.....The result, I believe, will be staggering.
Though these are my thoughts, these are inspired by Napolean Hill's chapter on collective intelligence in his book "Think and Grow Rich". The brilliant author who has "Been there! Done that"!!
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