If every one cares ...nobody cries is what Nickelback says...Ever felt the caring of a Mother to child? It is the most selfless form of love you ever get!! Love cures everything!! The malaise affecting the society...is only cured by spreading love..
Non-violence is the most powerful and the most affective tool to bring out the movement or a revolution or a positive change. Its proven by greatest man of 20th century Mahathma Gandhi himself. The role model of the effective leader, who has half a billion people standing by him in achieving independence from oppression. As always evident in couple of milleniums history-"Force is the weapon of the weak". Leadership is always effective and strong when its achieved through trust and through example and is weak when achieved through oppression or by using force.
As Napolean Hill says...There is a high deficit of proper leaders in almost everyfield of the present society.
The struggling world economy, society, raging wars, deterioration of environment, famines in third world countries, rise in the number of child criminals, decline in moral education standards in the school systems so obsessed by technology. Ironically there is widening rift between people in an era of communication revolution, which shows lack of direction. All the above factors calls for proper leadership in respective fields.
So guys stop and think. while most of us are aiming for skies we are forgetting the ground rules of Mother Earth!!
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